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The Zambo is two cajóns in one! Originally developed as part of a commission from London's Ensemble Bash, the Zambo features the DG Snare Throwoff (pat.pend. n. BO2003A000172) which allows players to quickly engage or disengage the snares depending on the sound they want. The snare tension can be fine-tuned via two small screws located opposite the throw-off knob.The snare mechanism itself features nylon-wound strings for a sound which is mellower and more earthy in comparison to our steel-stringed cajóns. When the snares are disengaged, the Zambo takes on the sound of a typical Cuban cajón; woody and almost bongo-like.
The Zambo is constructed of birch plywood with a 3-ply, 3 mm birch front-plate for projection and sensitivity.
Watch the videos below and hear the Zambo's unparalleled sonic versatility for yourself.
modello Zambo
Size: 12.5x12x19.5 in
Sides: 12 mm, 9 plies
Back: 6 mm, 5 plies
Front: 3 mm, 3 plies 
cordiera attaccata cordiera staccata
with snares on ...and off
dettaglio viti - clicca per ingrandire
Sound: This model has two very different sounds. It features a removable snare mechanism with nylon wound strings, so it's a bit less aggressive than the other snare cajones. With the snares on it has a mellow, rootsy sound, with earthy basses; without it is quite similar to a bongo sound. Originally designed under specific request of London'sEnsemble Bash, it had to be used without the snares in Cuban music contexts.

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